so today is the day to spill the more ways than
one, really.i'll start with the big fun secret...that many of you have already read about
on other blogs. the big ol' baby shower
for miss leslie (over at happily ever after--sorry i can't hyperlink it from my
couch "computer"--more on that later). a little over a month ago i received an
e-mail from some lovely blog world friends who wanted to show the beautiful
leslie some love....via an internet baby shower. and so the secret plotting and planning
began...the sending of lovely quilt fabric scraps from sweet Chelle...the
creating of lovely little gifts...the praying for sweet baby much
love in one secret little blog. and
voila...last night the cat was let out of the bag as susan, a real world friend
of leslie's surprised her with the gifts and the blog site...
head on over to check out the shower and to wish leslie a happy last fwe days
or weeks of pregnancy. while you are
there you will meet some incredible women! (i'd love to hyperlink that as well...or add
the lovely little button wendi designed...but alas, my wii internet browser
isn't that savy!).
this brings me to "secret" number two...not so much a secret, and
quite honestly not something i was sure i would put out there in
blog-land. but the ladies over at
showers of blessings do some of my other bloggity land friends...and
all of our real world friends...and to be honest, it has been heavy on my heart
to simply be real with where i am right now....
i'm on the couch...on bedrest...we were blessed to be surprised with the news
that we were pregnant with our third little "yak" just a few weeks
ago. incredibly surprised...incredibly
delighted by the news. and then just a
week ago i started having some complications...complications that have led my
ob to put me on very strict bedrest...the kind where i am only supposed to get
up to use the facilities type bedrest.
in the past week we've run the whole gamut of emotions...hope and
trust...fear and frustration...anger...back to trust...back to fear...and on
and on. we've had lots of time to talk,
celebrate, cry, pray and simply "be".
God is already showing us so clearly that He is Sovereignly in
control...that He is good even as we struggle with the uncertainties before
us....that He is the one who upholds us as we wait for further news. He is teaching me to keep my eyes on His
truth and His not trust in my own strength or emotions or
abilities...He is humbling us and then lifting us up in His strength.
we are praying for life...that we would meet this little one in the delivery
room in May...and yet, we are also setting our hearts on the reality that He is
God...that He is good...and that He is our Lord regardless of what He chooses
for this pregnancy. we have already been
incredibly blessed by the love of the body of Christ...the community...our
friends and family...and even you, my blog-land friends. we would covet your prayers in the coming
days...prayers for this baby, prayers for our faith, prayers for the witness
and testimony we will have regardless of the outcome of our ultrasound tuesday.
and that my friends brings me back to typing from my couch. my sweet husband quickly realized that blog-land
and e-mail access might make the couch ridden days go by more quickly (since
the computer is upstairs...a trek i can only make once a day!)...and so he
figured out how to hook our wii internet browser up and a keyboard...and
voila....back in the internet business.
a big thanks to my mom who was able to come down and chase the girlies
and clean our sweet friends who have offered to help at any
time...mike's parents who came by today with lunch and a wee birthday
celebration for elizabeth (who turns 3 in just 4 short days!)...and so many
other blessings along the way. as we go
along i am keeping a journal of "thanks in the trial"...wanting to
focus on what blessings and lessons God might have for us in this
time...already its pages are filled with some sweet and incredible goodness in
the midst of some adverse times. we
trust Him...and we pray that as we go through this we would bring glory and
honor to Him.
much love....amanda :)
Noah is 18
2 months ago
Oh, sweetie, I have been praying my little heart out for you. The Lord is so faithful. It is such a relief to know that He brings us through all situations and He knows the outcomes before things even happen.
You make sure to stay on that couch no matter how badly you want to get up! For you and for your little ones. Sending hugs and tons of prayers.
Amanda, I know that this situation of yours is far more difficult than most and to see your bright and positive outlook. Your trust and faithfulness in Jesus, giving him the glory regardless of the outcome. It brings hope! It's true when they say that if HE sees you to it, then HE will bring you through it.
Praying for you that God is with you and your little bean seeing you and all your loving family through this and the outcome a very happy and cheery one!
love you SO Amanda!
I am so happy for you and your family! I know this is a trying time, and you all will be in my prayers. Take care of yourself and that little baby!
you've been on my heart and mind ever since you told me...praying all throughout the day for you and your family.
thank you for your sweet note...yes, a house full of girls. jonathan was also saying we were bound to have another girl, lol!
much love and prayers for you, amanda!
I hope you get feeling better soon and that the Dr. sees fit for you to get off bedrest soon! That can't be easy with two little ones, no WONDER you've been MIA for the last several weeks!
Take care of you and that baby!
Oh sweet Amanda..... I did already know. And thank you for sharing so we can pray for you. more to pray.....whats better then that???!!
Anyways. As you have said, God IS in control. Loves to you and remember that you are thought of and prayed for continually.
wow Amanda.. I came on here tonight to let you know that since the girls shared the news on the showers blog I have been praying for you. So amazing to come on here and read of your faith and hope in this situation. Your thanks in trial journal, the way you have put everything into God's hands - I have so much to learn from you.
Know that I am praying for you and your family and will continue to do so.
know that you are a constant in my thought and prayers!
love and health to you, sweet friend...
Well, first of all, I want to say congratulations!! What wonderful news to be expecting another little one. You and Mike are so busy filling up your home with love and laughter!
Next, I want to say, I will certainly be praying for you my friend. Particularly for Tuesday, I'm sure you are anxiously awaiting it to find out your next steps. In any pregnancy I think a mommy worries and frets a bit over the baby as they are not in our arms (to fret and worry over I suppose!) so I can only imagine how this has been a stressful situation on the two of you. It is so lovely to see your faith though in this time of uncertainty. What a blessing that must be to a Saviour who loves to see our faith!
Take care and stay on that couch!
Congratulations! I am glad your hubby fixed you up where you can still visit with us. I will be praying for you and your family. Take care of yourself and leave it all up to Him.
I have been praying for you a LOT and will continue to do so. Hang in there! You're hubby is so sweet to hook up the internet for you. I was hoping you'd have SOMETHING to keep you busy while you're sequestered to the couch.
In a way that runs very deep I do understand the difficulty and uncertainty of where you are at right now. In a way that I don't fully understand I feel extremely connected to you and closer than I could imagine for one I have never met.
In a way that passes all understanding of ours I know that God is good. No matter what. I ask confidently that he will carry you through this.
You are in my heart and prayers Amanda!
Congrats! So sorry to hear it's been physically difficult though. I hope you have some family help (?)
Exciting to hear your family is growing again. :)
Amanda you are so so amazing, and wow I can't imagine at such an early time the scariness... Im praying that bedrest comes with such protection for this child and eases your fears and your heart. That you will feel God's arms around you. Bedrest is so hard, but its for the best.
I am so so blessed by you, thank you for the shower, and the sock monkeys, and the booties, and and and and and.... I was blown away and Rylan has a new very BFF... pink monkey! :)
I am excited by your news so much so, and just praying that the complications whatever they may be, will lift, and joy will come in... and you will be able to easily welcome this child into your home!
Much love.
My dear friend,
You have been and will remain in my prayers. I know that God has a plan for you are your family and he is doing beautiful things. If only I was a few hours closer I would bring you dinner. You are just the next state over after all.
Take good care of yourself. Much love to you.
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