since i haven't blogged in over a month i'm using my iPod photo album to give you a glimpse of what we've been up to in brief...
a little bit of crafting (jilly LOVES glue!)
an ice cream date with kate...she downed the entire cone!
lots of clothes sorting...this is ALL boy stuff...we been SO blessed...some given to us, some great garage sale finds (we're talking gymboree, children's place, gap, etc. for $.25!). luke even has some 5T stuff in the closet (and TONS of 2T, 3T and 4T)...BLESSED!
yeah...this is all luke's stuff.
we've also been giving girl stuff away...its a bit bittersweet.
the girls have discovered my old barbies...hours of fun!
we've been slowly seeing "boy toys" (whatever that means since my girls have never been super girlie and love trucks, cars, balls, etc.!) enter our house...and since luke is too little the girls have been kind enough to test them out for him ;)
a few family walks
sometimes daddy has to take a turn on the scooter ;)
loving on daddy when he arrives home from work (jilly wasn't too happy to share daddy's lap with her sisters--lets just be honest...being nearly two (and working on molars!) isn't always easy or happy. ;)
some math by libbers
what makes jilly happy these days? well, anything involving other family members' shoes, hats, accesories, etc. is a good start. i even bought her some flip flops of her own...nope, she still wants to wear her sisters' everywhere. {sigh}
see...she is getting big like her sisters...what a proud moment when she climbed up on the fence to talk to gracie just like they do :)
and our most recent new thing to do is hang out at the YMCA...they just built a brand new branch near our house, and we joined. it is fabulous! i've loved being able to work out without always having to get up at the crack of dawn to run before mike leaves the house for work at 6:15. and we have a blast in the playroom...its like a super-sized chick-fil-a playland that we often have mostly to ourselves...and we can pack lunches or dinners. and then, of course, there is the fun of the pool...and the kids actually really enjoy going to childwatch. true confession, jilly often cries when i come to pick her up to go home...yep, my child likes the Y better than momma some moments! lol we also love that some of our friends go there as well...which means mama and miss holly get some mama chat time sans kiddos while the kiddos play and have a blast! it is a win win!
keep reading for more new posts...
Noah is 18
2 months ago