though there is surely a LONG road ahead of us, i am simply ecstatic....kate peed in the potty for the first time today! no, we are not officially potty training per se...however, she is really interested in sitting on the little potty seat...almost obsessed actually. anytime i go in to the bathroom she likes to tag along and sit on her potty, and lo and behold, this afternoon she actually did it! most likely it was sheerly "accidental" success...but i made sure to praise it with a "hooray for pee pee in the potty" song and dance...and some jellybeans. this mama is most definitely NOT against bribery when it comes to ditching the diapers! :)
Noah is 18
2 months ago
Wow! I had such a hard time with my first, I do not look forward to this one. I think anything that works is good. I would definitely use praise! They are at an age now where they like to copy everything and be like us. So, it's a perfect time to try if she will.
Whoo Hoo! Go Kate!!!
i'm so dang jealous! i don't even have liberty potty trained yet. she knows what to do, she just has no interest. ugh, ugh, UGH!!
that is great news!
doing the dance with you....
ohhh awesome, Ry is the same loves to sit on it, but has never gone, and loves to be in the bathroom with me... but gosh I would love to ditch one of them in diapers, would be most excellent!
YEAH!!!!! GO KATE!!!!!
Wowee! I am way impressed! Let's hope she keeps it up.
How are you Sweet Friend! Thanks for always checking in on me. How are you feeling? And Yay for potty training!!! Elijah is now trained...hooray for willing Grandma's. He still has accidents, but is thrilled to "go potty!"
Hear-hear! I hear ya! TOTALLY on the same page when it comes to bribery. :) Who knows! MAYBE! She will be the early one ot potty-train! YAY! Faith was early, she was "poo" trained at 9 months and potty trained by one. Not just me trying, she wanted to!
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