we had our "orientation" day at the master's study...my first time back in the teaching saddle in quite some time (it went well...and, for the record, i am FINALLY feeling a bit less overwhelmed...i've at least finished all my reading and prep for our first novel and the reading of our second novel--HUGE sigh of relief!). elizabeth was thrilled to wear her uniform...and kate was just thrilled to get back in her pre-K class. we start officially next monday!
in the meantime we've had our official first day at home. it was such a strange feeling when our local schools started (in mid-august) and elizabeth didn't get on that bus...we've been praying and feeling led toward home-schooling for quite some time now, but somehow that day just made it official...our official entrance into this wild and crazy realm. eek!
a sweet, sweet friend passed this table along to us (it is huge...six spaces, all with cubbies underneath!) as her kiddos were outgrowing it. what a huge blessing! the girls LOVE it...they have spent more time coloring and writing stories and painting...so fun!
tuesday was our official first day (we've been doing bits and pieces all summer, but i needed to pick a date and go for it!). we kicked off our school year with a trip to the local bakery, where each girlie picked a sprinkle donut. yum! i'm hoping this becomes tradition!
luke didn't get a donut, but he did get to chew on his teether...and smile (as usual!).
then we headed home and got down to business.
our morning starts with calendar and "circle" time (date, days of the week, months of the year, their alphabet song, prayer, a devotional, some singing)....then we do as much as we can. jilly sits still for about 5 minutes coloring and then terrorizes us the rest of the time (ha!). kate is working through workbooks, coloring, doing puzzles (and occasionally a bit frustrated because she would like to be doing exactly what elizabeth is). luke is typically up and in his exersaucer when we start up, and then he naps the rest of the morning (praise Jesus for a fabulous napper!). elizabeth works through some handwriting, reading, phonics, math (we're doing math-u-see alpha level), and explode the code workbooks. we have lots of little breaks...jumping jacks...a snack....shuffling around the table occasionally so whoever needs mommy most can sit next to my big red desk chair. elizabeth has her ups and downs....she LOVES the idea of school time, but i think she is still getting used to the fact that she doesn't get to just do "whatever" like jillian does...and i'm still balancing where she is (i think she is frustrated with anything that is "review"--but also frustrated when something is overly challenging)....we are working on it, and mostly working on the heart attitude behind it...less drama, more communication, please. ;) (and, of course, i'm trying to stay sane in the midst of the jilly-tornado that is tumbling around the room while we work!). but i'm very happy with our decision to make a go of home-schooling...and, i must admit, i'm also more thankful than ever for our involvement in the master's study! it is nice to know once a week i get to have a bit of a break and work with the older kiddos (with the literature and composition i love) AND elizabeth and kate get to have a day with friends and getting a different educational experience. love it! i'm still working on what our routine and schedule will look like, but so far i've also been able to get to the Y for a workout first thing (at 8 when childwatch opens), get home and start school by 9:15 or 9:30, and we are completely finished by lunchtime. hooray!
Noah is 18
2 months ago
1 comment:
glad it's going ok and you are feeling happy with your decision. despite lots of hard moments here, i am also happy with our decision to homeschool. i love hearing about your days and what you are using with your kids. i so wish we had something like the master's program here. sounds fantastic! glad you are feeling less anxious about your teaching, too! you'll be great! know you're prayed for every morning...and other times throughout the day as well!
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