Friday, September 11, 2009

what a difference....

...a week makes...
we headed back to the pediatrician this morning for another weight check. miss jillian is really filling out her 0-3 month sleepers already, so mommy wasn't too concerned this time around. i even was brave and took all three girls instead of finding a friend to keep an eye on the big girls. and, oh my, are you ready for this...jillian topped the scales at 9 lbs. 11 oz. two and a half weeks old, she has already surpassed elizabeth's 2 month weight(then again, she did start life a pound heavier...). i have to check kate's baby book, as i cannot remember her weight at 2 1/2 weeks, but i DO know we were still very much in the struggle of weight gain at this point. in fact, jillian put on 15 oz. in the past week...whoa!

i was settled and at peace with our feeding decision before the appointment, and yet, somehow, seeing those numbers on the scale was a huge confirmation and brought me an even greater sense of peace. God is good, friends. sometimes He doesn't work things out in exactly the way we wanted them to work out (i really did want that "experience" of nursing a baby without the weight gain issues and without supplementing...having it be enjoyable as opposed to a constant stress and frustration...)...and yet, still He works them His way...and once He has them worked out in His way, He has this amazing way of bringing us around...settling the emotional ick, letting His peace control our thoughts and actions, revealing the "other side" of things (the side we are often blind to in our struggle to have our way). His way is good...just as He is good. He knows what is BEST for us...even the best way to bring us humbly to our knees before bring us to a place of greater cause us to cling to Him more fully and completely. i'm so thankful to follow Him....


Lisa said...

And I am thrilled to hear that you are at peace with it all!

she is adorable!!!

Rebecca said...

oh i'm so happy for you! so thankful God has worked everything out for you in the feeding area and that jillian is doing so well. she is just precious, amanda!
oh yes...i love her little binky clips!

Jackie said...

Oh, Amanda. I just read your previous post as well as this one, and it brought back a RUSH of memories. Savannah was always so tiny, and I could never tell if she was getting enough when I nursed....she wasn't gaining her 1 year checkup she was only 16 pounds! Needless to say I was really freaking out. I cried plenty of frustrated tears, wondering if I was doing the right thing, or if my baby was starving...needless to say, she was/is fine...she just was following her own very petite growth curve. But oh... I so related to the "emotional ick" that you mentioned. God is SO good to calm us down and just remind us that we can rest in Him. And you're right...I think we all expect that breastfeeding will always just be such a natural and esay thing, and that's not always the case. SO glad that this checkup went so well...sounds like sweet Jillian is just perfect and so adored! Much love!

Jacy said...

What a sweet and precious little snapshop of your adorable Jillian!! Glad you are feeling at peace with everything and that her weight gain is good ! Ryder was born 9 1/2 pounds and it was so different from little seven pound Noah hehe Can't wait to see her change and grow with you all through all these adorable pictures

Carrie said...

Amen and amen.
(And what cutie pics!!)

Rick and Beth said...

So true! Why do we fight so hard against His ways? So much better to just submit and let Him be God. I'm with ya, girl! As always, there is joy in submission and obedience.