What fun it was to check-in today and find comments on my post from those who hadn't been able to comment before! It's ten smile Tuesday though, so I will get right to our smiles. (By the way...I've had people ask if I mind if they "steal" the ten smile Tuesday idea...and I definitely don't!...by all means, start posting your ten smiles...and let me know because I would LOVE to come by and see what you are smiling about!)
1. HOPE. I have shared some about our struggles in adjusting to having two little ones...and to be honest, I think much of that struggle was our frustration and exhaustion when it came to discipline with Elizabeth. This week I was so blessed to have one of my friends (one who is so full of incredible biblical wisdom and counsel) walk me through some "training" when it came to getting Libs to sit in her chair and actually eat the dinner we placed before her (I know...this might sound silly, but it was becoming SUCH an exhausting daily battle...and one that we were not experiencing much success with!). Though it was a long battle, it was a HUGE turning point for us...one that ended with a MUCH happier Elizabeth and a renewed sense of hope and purpose for me. Mike and I have spent much time this week thinking, talking, praying, and reading about (really just getting more serious about things we already knew...just weren't doing really well in practice) biblical discipline and training. Isn't it amazing how doing things God's way brings such hope, encouragement, and relief...I'm telling you, this has brought about a much happier Elizabeth.
2. A freezer FULL of food. I mentioned my church cooking night yesterday, and let me tell you, it was such a fun time. I worked the sweet BBQ meatball sandwich (think stromboli) station with one other gal. We made a grand total of 72 meatball strombolis...meaning we had the privilege of spreading out 72 balls of uncooperative dough! :) How exciting to have our freezer stocked with 28 tasty, homemade, ready-to-go at a moments notice meals to enjoy...or share with others who are in need of a meal!
3. A lovely afternoon out with my husband dearest. We enjoyed a lovely lunch at Maggiano's with a gift card (always nice to eat for "free") and then some time just being together as we browsed through some stores. Mostly it was great to just have the chance to connect without the girls and really talk to one another. Equally nice was knowing that while we were enjoying this time together the girls were enjoying some special time with poppy and grandmommy!
4. Rolling over...Yep, she did it! Friday Kate finally flipped from her tummy to her back on her own...and then last night she mastered the art of getting to her tummy from her back! Hooray! Of course, she mastered the back to tummy roll for the first time when I wasn't looking...just like her sister did. I was in the kitchen getting stuff together for my cooking night, and when I looked over she was on her tummy...though I knew she had been on her back. So I flipped her back over and watched as she immediately worked her way right back to her belly! Go Kate!
5. Felting my stockings (I'll post pictures in the next day or so!)....and the time spent with my mom while doing the felting.
6. Having Mike home with us all day Friday...after he'd put in a long week of overtime. Mike and Elizabeth enjoyed some special time bouncing at the Jump-n-Play Friday morning!
7. A barking pug dog. Yep...Mugho is back to himself...barking, playing ball, eating treats, tugging with Elizabeth. So glad he is feeling better!
8. My new look. I picked up my new glasses on Thursday, and I'm excited to have glasses I actually don't mind wearing now and then. I've always been a huge chicken about picking out glasses on my own...I always love the eyewear others pick out and think it can look so "fun" these days (my husband is probably laughing right now as he reads this..."fun" isn't the word he would apply to clothing or accessories!)...so I finally got brave!
9. Our little singer...I know I mentioned this one yesterday as well...but, seriously, it is so cute. Elizabeth sings constantly these days...her favorites, "Jesus Love Me" (she wowed the nursery workers at church by singing it word for word), the "B-I-B-L-E" song (the other day I could hear her upstairs singing (well, shouting really) this one to her animals before she fell asleep for her nap), her ABCs, and "My God is so Big" (complete with super exaggerated motions...what a card!). It is really amazing what she picks up...in the car this morning she was singing along to a song on one of my CDs (thats a smile in an of itself...we weren't listening to the Veggie CD!) and getting the words perfect!
10. Rice krispie treats...especially when made my Mike and Elizabeth...so fun to listen to the two of them working together. Of course, ELizabeth was thrilled to have the "marshmallow treat" for dessert as well.
Noah is 18
2 months ago
Hey Amanda! Welcome to Blogger! So funny that we were both in the process at around the same time. Things over here are much more to my liking. Such fun! And I do like your new glasses. I am hoping to get a new pair soon, but hate the picking out myself. Now I feel a bit more inspired.
Sarah :)
How are Glasses fun? Rollercoaster’s, cars, and toys are fun.
The Head Yak
Love your new look! As always, you brightened my day with your smiles...
P.S. It is so great to finally be able to comment on your posts - I am glad you made to move!
Hello there. I am slowly making my way over here to blogger...still learning the ropes. I enjoyed reading your new smiles. You look great with your new glasses!
Glad to hear things are going better with the discipline area with Elizabeth. We are also struggling in this area, so it's good to hear there is HOPE! :) I loved hearing about Elizabeth's singing...how precious! And hooray to Kate for rolling over! Hope the rest of your week is a great one!
You look fantastic with the glasses! My glasses are similar in shape - I only wear them at night and the mornings before my contacts go in. But you're right they can be a lot of fun. I have days where I want to look "bookish" and leave them on with my hair pulled up ... LOL :)
Want to share a tip or two on how you get Elizabeth to eat her dinner? Dinner here is a nightly issue with my little guy!
I just want to say again, that I'm so glad you made the move to Blogger with me! You're so lucky to have such large fan base to come here to! Have a great week!!
So glad to hear that I'm not the only one who has crazy sad days! It's good to know that at least to some extent, it's "normal". Thanks for the pep talk :)
Hey good luck with your treadmill! I didn't manage to get on mine this morning as planned. I stayed up way too late and had no desire to get up early. Hopefully next week will warm up just a teensy bit - enough to get me outside for a run!
Amanda - Seems odd addressing you as Amanda, but want you to know Uncle Art and I have moved on over to this new Blog space, just to be sure we don't miss a single thing going on at your place! I thank God each Blog for the smiles we both have with you...tears that seem to sneak in once in awhile and rejoicing when we find things that have pleased you throughout the days...for through your Blogs we feel so close and can't wait to read the next thing that has tickled your funny bone!! Keep up the good comments, knowing so many others are enjoying! Aunti Phil Uncle Art
Yeah! I'm so glad that you like blogger so much. I like it too, although I still haven't completely moved from Wordpress. I have committment issues I guess. LOL!
Sounds like things are going well with Elizabeth and the food thing. You'll have to tell me all about it when I see you at Jump n Play next time. I can't imagine getting Lilla to ever sit in her seat and eat something normal. I have peeled more apples this year than in my whole life put together. I am so not kidding! That's all she'll eat so what are you going to do? LOL
Take care,
Wahoo of course I'll follow you to blogger! How exciting!
Love your new glasses, you're just too cute!
God bless :)
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