the title says it all...the week started with the eating of the rock and ended with "sickies" for mike and i. in between we had elizabeth's discovery of the black sharpie, her first trip to the hospital (nothing "urgent"...i promise...but her first visit nonetheless), and so many other "moments". so i think my last entry was wednesday...right? just after i typed that blog she got up from her nap and was playing while i went upstairs to get kate up. i came back downstairs to find her sitting at the kitchen table coloring with the sharpie...bless her heart, she was trying to color on a color a picture for daddy, who was working a wee bit late...she missed him and wanted to make something for him...however, the sharpie must have been a bit harder to handle than her crayons (which she never uses "off" the paper)...she had covered her hand and scribbled on the kitchen table. off course, minutes later she had an "explosion" of sorts (i'll spare you the details) which involved a shower and change of clothing (yeah...that kind....most likely thanks to the good ol' rock) when daddy walked in the door elizabeth was pant-less at the top of the steps, hand covered in black sharpie, and having a melt-down because the marker wouldn't wash off. bless her heart, kater kater alligator was as happy as can be...playing on the floor. should this scenario happen to you....magic erasers really are "magic"...they took the sharpie right off the kitchen table....and rubbing alcohol took it off elizabeth's hand. as for the "explosion"...well friends, lets just say i decided the best approach was to just toss the undies and chalk it up as a loss!
on to thursday...spent the morning at the children's museum a few friends...stayed much later than typical...meaning elizabeth caught a cat-nap in the van on the way home (translation: no long afternoon nap at home). then we had a doctor's visit to check on the progress of the rock...especially since she seemed to be having some intestinal "issues" (ie...explosions...or the big D)...the doctor decided we should head over to the hospital for x-rays. so we did. i must say, both of the girls were FABULOUS the whole time....elizabeth made several people's days...smiling, telling them hello, even sharing her veggie fruit snacks with the lady at the registration desk (which is a BIG deal--she loves those veggies). she proudly sported her little hospital bracelet and cooperated wonderfully when she got to lay on the table to get the "picture of her tummy". on the drive from the doctor to the hospital i had been preparing her by talking about the story where Curious George goes to the hospital (when he eats the puzzle piece). so i think elizabeth's biggest disappointment of the day was not seeing george at the hospital. she kept asking..."where's george get picture of his tummy too?"
anyway...the verdict on the x-ray...the rock has either already passed and we missed it, is there but not causing any trouble (and therefore not visible since it isn't metal) and could take up to two weeks to pass, or there was never a rock (perhaps it was actually asphalt or something else that could deteriorate (ugh...i cringe to think of the possibilities...but i promise, it LOOKED like a rock!). the big D issues could have been a stomach virus totally unrelated to the rock or could possibly be from whatever she ingested...but again, not causing major problems, not serious, nothing to worry about (in the words of the doctor).
friday...hmmm...mike had the day off...finally...we were planning to spend lots of fun time together...perhaps outside. alas, i went to bed thursday with a scratchy throat, not feeling great...and woke up friday morning with a cold..ugh! but my poor husband...he woke up feeling horrible...couldn't even make it out of bed until 1:00 or so...and then fell back to sleep on the couch shortly after. so much for those "plans"....
saturday dawned with the hubby a bit healthier...and i felt good enough to make it to a baby shower in the morning...and then by afternoon we both crashed. (perhaps my crash was aided by my decision to "push it" and go out for a run since it was decently warm (any chance to get away from the treadmill!). needless to say, i came back from my run and just felt beat! (but what's a girl to seems lately that every time i get in a good habit on the treadmill i find myself with a cold or other illness...then i take a break from the treadmill to get better and have to start all over...ugh!)
and here we are...sunday....we made it through the week. mike is feeling much for me...well, i'm still here. stuffy nose (you know, the kind where you can only breathe out of one nostril)...and we both have that "hacking" cough...we did make it to church this morning. and after dinner this evening i did some errands...bargain shopping. i will have to share more...but i found a blog with lots of great money saving ideas...including taking advantage of CVS and their extra care bucks...that and a terrific deal at kroger (combined with coupons that made it super-extra-terrific)...i think one of my goals is to work to become much more frugal with our family's grocery/toiletry budget. i promise to share for those who are interested!
and now...i'm bed.
Noah is 18
2 months ago
Sounds like you had quite the week:) That a girl, keeping up with the jogging even though you dont feel good. I ran track through a lot of sickies and I actually think it helps get rid of it sooner! I hope you and the hubby are feeling better. Oh, and that you don't have anymore explosions to deal with:P
You did have a rough week! I hate when the sickies get passed around. I sure hope you are all feeling better soon!
I'd LOVE to hear your budget ideas and the blog you mentioned. Anything to help with our budget is good info! :)
I'm glad that Elizabeth's dr. wasn't concerned about whatever it is she swallowed.
I hope your one nostril clears up soon LOL My favorite night night ritual when I have a cold is to slather Mentholatum (in the little green bottle) under each nostril. Clears me right up and keeps my nose from drying out from all the nose blowing!
I am so PROUD of you that you're running outside! Way to go!! I totally understand the starting over thing though. It's been two weeks since I ran because of my flu then our vacation. *Sigh*! It's a great motivation for me to hear you're running! Keep up the good work :)
Hi Amamda! So glad you came over for a visit to my blog. What a great blog you have. Ahh, the life of a busy mom. You have the girl thing going on and my hands are full with little boys..
what a week you have had! we are sick over here as well. libbs and leila are getting over colds, and i got the cold and a stomach bug. yes, it is so nice to "window shop" without the kiddies :). i hope you are feeling better soon. and i'm definitely interested in the budget stuff!
long week, huh? I hope everything gets back to "normal" at your house soon! And I too would love to hear your money saving tips - I am always on the look out to save a dollar (aka cheap)....
Hoping that whatever Elizabeth ate is long gone with no more "explossions"....
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