Wednesday, November 16, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day Fifteen and Sixteen

crafty friends...and crafty mornings to quickly knock out a few Christmas crafties! :)

friends who bring me back to the TRUTH and are willing to do life with me, regardless of how messy i might be at any given moment

hope from the Word

regrouping and making baby steps of progress around the steps are huge some days

two girls' nights out in a a baby shower for a sweet friend with my MOPS table...and i just so happen to be thankful for those ladies and the conversation we were able to have as well. always good to be reminded you aren't alone and challenged/convicted to love better, live for faithfully, laugh, etc.

the smell of italian beef simmering away in the crockpot all morning

stay at home with nothing to do days

chocolate animal crackers with peanut butter frosting

catching up with an old friend

oven warm home-baked artisan bread

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