Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day Five

1. i am thankful for this little smile...for his easy-going, happy-go-lucky, smiling, giggling personality. he typically rolls and flips wherever he wants to go, but he has been up on his knees for quite awhile now...and this morning i could see his wheels turning, trying to move his knees and make forward progress. go buddy, go!

2. i am thankful for our membership at the YMCA...thankful for getting back into shape...for a break and some time for "me"...for the fabulous workers in the childwatch. and, specifically, today i am thankful that they open early even on Saturday...what a jumpstart to a cold Saturday without daddy at home. (and jilly had a milestone today...making it all the way to the top of the indoor playground (with some help from her sisters!) and found the twirly slide!)

3. i am thankful for beanbag chairs and warm fuzzy blankets and Saturday morning cartoons...because some days are like that. :)

4. and, yes, this post is from yesterday. i am thankful my sweet kate's beautiful personality and spirit. she is funny and snuggly. she is kind and loving. she is tenacious and determined. and boy does she love gluesticks and scissors.

5. i am thankful for my husband who is off working hard yet another day this week...providing for our family...for his example of diligence and hard work....and, yet, yes, i am also very thankful that today should be the last day of overtime for awhile...we are ready to have daddy home with us on Saturdays.

6. finally, because it bears mentioning, i am SO thankful that my laundry baskets are empty for the moment...meaning i actually got that pesky clean, folded laundry into drawers. mind you, there is already a new batch in the washer...but i'll take the accomplishment and celebrate for the moment. (and while i am at it, perhaps i should be thankful for that trusty washing machine!).


Dawna said...

That sweet boy is an absolute dolly and I just want to give him squeezes and kisses. If he is even half as sweet as my Jilly-Boo, then he must be amazing. Miss you much and wish I lived close enough to come for a visit! Have a terrific day, friend. xoxo

Rebecca said...

oh how cute that luke of yours is! and the fabulous! gotta' enjoy when it's caught up while you can...i know it rarely happens around here!

thank you for your sweet words today.